Live Beyond Limit

Live Beyond Limit's 10th Birthday!
with Kate Laviolette

September 8 (Sunday)
at 5:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes

Air Studio

We invite you to celebrate our 10th business anniversary with an evening of conscious community, circus expression, and our local creatives! 

Enjoy our aerial and circus students and staff performing on and off to live music, hosting local artists, face paint, vendors, ntuitive readers, and grabbing some great food from the food truck!

We will also be offering enrollment specials and 10 big giveaways to anyone who signs up for a membership between August 8th and September 8th!

For the whole community! Come out, bring your family and friends, and celebrate 10 years of community and truly living! 🥳 


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
